32+ Oecd Life Expectancy At 65 Background. Life expectancy at age 65 years old is the average number of years that a person at that age can be expected to live, assuming that if rates are falling, as has been the case over the past decades in oecd countries, actual life spans will be higher than life expectancy calculated using current death. Therefore, ranks are not presented and comparisons among countries should be made with caution.
Life expectancy at 65 is the average number of years a person at the age of 65 is expected to live, if the prevailing patterns of mortality at the time when she/he has reached the age of 65 were to stay the same throughout the rest of her/his life.
Broader than the narrow metric of the infant and child mortality, which focus solely at mortality at a young age, life expectancy captures the mortality along the entire life course. Data based on the latest united nations population division estimates. Differences in life expectancy may reflect differences in reporting and calculation methods, which can vary by country, in addition to actual differences in mortality rates. As table 1 shows, the majority of americans who made it to adulthood could expect to live to 65, and those who did live to 65 could look forward to collecting benefits for many years into the future.